近日,北大法学院邀请新加坡国立大学大卫·马歇尔教授、教育创新副校长、大学学院创始院长、前法学院院长Simon Chesterman担任主讲嘉宾,就“Good Models Borrow, Great Models Steal: Intellectual Property Rights and Generative Al”话题举办讲座。
主题:Good Models Borrow, Great Models Steal: Intellectual Property Rights and Generative Al
开讲学者:Simon Chesterman 新加坡国立大学大卫·马歇尔教授、教育创新副校长、大学学院创始院长、前法学院院长
主持人:戴昕 网投十大信誉排名副院长、长聘副教授
杨明 网投十大信誉排名长聘副教授
胡凌 网投十大信誉排名副教授
边仁君 网投十大信誉排名助理教授
Two critical policy questions will determine the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) on the knowledge economy and the creative sector. The first concerns how we think about the training of such models—in particular, whether the creators or owners of the data that are “scraped” (lawfully or unlawfully, with or without permission) should be compensated for that use. The second question revolves around the ownership of the output generated by AI, which is continually improving in quality and scale. These topics fall in the realm of intellectual property, a legal framework designed to incentivize and reward only human creativity and innovation. For some years, however, Britain has maintained a distinct category for “computer-generated” outputs; on the input issue, the EU and Singapore have recently introduced exceptions allowing for text and data mining or computational data analysis of existing works. This article explores the broader implications of these policy choices, weighing the advantages of reducing the cost of content creation and the value of expertise against the potential risk to various careers and sectors of the economy, which might be rendered unsustainable. Lessons may be found in the music industry, which also went through a period of unrestrained piracy in the early digital era, epitomized by the rise and fall of the file-sharing service Napster. Similar litigation and legislation may help navigate the present uncertainty, along with an emerging market for “legitimate” models that respect the copyright of humans and are clear about the provenance of their own creations.
Simon Chesterman是新加坡国立大学大卫·马歇尔教授和教育创新副校长,同时也是大学学院创始院长、前法学院院长。他是新加坡“国家人工智能核心”项目的人工智能治理高级总监,并担任《亚洲国际法期刊》的编辑。他曾在墨尔本、北京、阿姆斯特丹和牛津求学,在墨尔本大学、牛津大学、南安普顿大学、哥伦比亚大学和巴黎政治学院任教。他曾于2006年至2011年间担任纽约大学法学院新加坡项目的全球教授和主任。此前,他还曾任国际和平学会高级研究员,并在国际危机组织纽约办公室担任联合国关系主任。他也曾在联合国人道主义事务协调厅驻南斯拉夫办事处工作,并在卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭实习。
Chesterman教授写作、编撰著作二十余本,包括 We, the Robots? Regulating Artificial Intelligence and the Limits of the Law 一书(中文译本《我们,机器人?人工智能监管及其法律局限》,已于2024年出版)。他是公认的国际法权威,其著作开辟了公共权力概念研究的新领域——涵盖全球治理的规则和机构、国家建设和冲突后重建、情报机构的角色转变以及人工智能和大数据的新作用。他广泛从事有关法律教育和高等教育的写作,并著有五部小说。